Welcome, . . .

Who We Are                        

 We are just ordinary common people, people from all different walks of life, but yet we who are many are actually only 'One'. We are the Church of JESUS CHRIST, The Son of the Living GOD. We are GOD's Elect, Christ's Chosen people. A remnant that GOD planted here in the earth that have been called with a holy calling upon our lives. In each generation, GOD calls His chosen out of the world and out of darkness into His marvelous Light. We are called to worship GOD in Christ and to shew forth His glory and to offer up praises unto Him who has called us out of darkness, and to tell what great things the LORD has done for us, and not only us but for the whole world. GOD has called us all out of the world together that we would be "a choice vessel", a vessel of mercy, a vessel of honor. One that He would work through as His witness to set the rest of Creation free. So that in the end GOD would be all in all. 
That's who we are.

The New Life Baptist Church is an "old school Baptist fellowship" set at Liberty and freely worships GOD in Spirit and in Truth, finding peace, Love, and joy by the knowledge of being made accepted in the BELOVED. Having been predestinated unto the adoption of sons through Christ JESUS. Finding the forgiveness of sins and full acceptance with GOD through our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. For we have been save by sovereign grace. That is our Faith.

This is our practice -The 3 main pillars of our practice are Faith, Love, and Hope and the greatest of these is Love. Love never fails, love brings order, Love covers a multitude of sin. As the Apostle John was inspired to write, "GOD IS LOVE, and if we dwell in Love we dwell in GOD and He in us. Amen."

What we do

Our Mission  statement  s simple. It is the continuation of the great commission. Christ Jesus told His disciples, "Go ye and teach all nations. Preach repentance and remission of sins in my name, baptizing  them, making disciples out of them, and teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded you". 

Preach The Word of GOD

We have several ministers at the New Life Baptist Church - above is Elder Don Clement. A  gifted seasoned GOD  called ordained Minister of  the Gospel of Christ.  Brother Don leads the hymns and spirituals and when he feels lead of the SPIRIT to do so he brings forth a message from GOD's  Word. Brother Don and his wife  Sister Beverly bring many gifts and talents to the table at the New Life Baptist  Church. We are thankful GOD has lead them to us.


We celebrate what GOD has already done and rejoice in the promises He has made to us.  He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, He called our name and inscribed them in a book before the world was. GOD sent His Son Jesus to die  on the tree of the cross to make an Atonement for our sins and reconciled us back to GOD. He rose from the dead, conquering death, hell, and the grave for us. He went back to Heaven. today the HOLY SPIRIT works in our lives  to quicken, regenerate, and has called us to repentance  toward GOD, and faith toward our LORD Jesus Christ. He calls us to have fellowship with Christ and with each other. We continually celebrate and rejoice in the hope of the glory of GOD and praise Him for His loving-kindness and His amazing Grace He has toward us. We Love Him because He first Loved us.


Some of the Church are always getting together during the week for Fellowship, for prayer meetings, sometimes for Bible discussions, planning  for Church functions and dinners or just to hang out. We all really are a Family You know.  We are all just one big Family and we know we are because we all have the same  Father, The LORD GOD Almighty Himself. Of His own will and according to  His Divine eternal purpose he begat us with the Word of Truth . We truly marvel and stand in astonishment when we are blessed to behold  what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Children of  GOD. In the picture above, many of the Brethren and church members got together right after Church one Sunday and ate dinner at one of the local Italian restaurants. It was a great and wonderful day GOD Blessed us with. 

We are One, the body of Christ

At The New Life Baptist Church there are no big "I's" and little "You's". GOD don't have any bigg'uns! We all have to come like little men before Him. GOD giveth grace to the humble and resisteth the proud. GOD don't have any bigg'uns. 

Good Warm Fellowship before Church gets started

It's always a joy to see each and even before the meeting & singing starts warm friendly handshakes and hugs, and new hymn lyrics are always handy.

Christmas Dinner & Good  Fun

Like most old time Baptists we like to have dinners and good fellowship as much as possible. It just seems like the thing to do - "To eat, drink, and enjoy the fruits of our labor this too is the gift of GOD. 

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